A man in black slacks lays on a table with his pantleg up past his knee and his knee bent as a medical professional with a gray shirt, tan pants, and a wedding ring places both of his hands on the patient's knee.

For many people, the thought of a Fibromyalgia treatment using physical therapy may seem a little improbable.  A physical therapist treating your chronic pain through touch with deep tissue muscle work may seem like it would hurt rather than help your condition.  The truth is, physical therapy is a great way to take control of your Fibromyalgia.  There are many different types of non-prescription pain relief treatments your physical therapist could use to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

Living with fibromyalgia can be difficult with the changing symptoms, fatigue and pain.  You may be less active now as a way to avoid this pain.  This can have a direct impact on your physical fitness and can make symptoms worse and more difficult to cope with.  Keeping your body strong and stable can go a long way in reducing your pain.

Your physical therapist will help you learn more about fibromyalgia and, more importantly, understand your pain.  They will design a program that is right for you and will teach you how to control and recognize your pain so that you can take back your life.  After a while, your physical therapist may also start treating your stability, flexibility and strength to help decrease reoccurring pain. Fibromyalgia patients can sometimes also suffer anxiety and depression or other types of mood disorders that can make the pain more difficult to cope with.  Keeping your symptoms under control, along with learning to relax your mind, is very important for leading a normal lifestyle.

Physical therapy and non-prescription pain relief are great options for fibromyalgia treatment to gain back control of your body and enjoy your life.  If you are interested in learning more, call Integrated Pain Relief today!