When you combine seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy, you and your developing baby get many benefits. It is a great way to get you feeling better, plus it is a great way to prepare for your impending delivery. Your body will respond well to seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy, so long as you go to a chiropractor with the right qualifications. It is not only a safe option, but it is also a recommended option for nearly all mothers during their pregnancies.

When Combining Seeing a Chiropractor and Pregnancy Is Safe

Most of the time, combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy is a totally safe option. You simply need to make sure the chiropractor you see understands what can and cannot be done during pregnancy. This takes extra time and education to learn, so you want to find a chiropractor with the proper certifications. So long as you are in good health, and the pregnancy is not considered high-risk, going in to see a chiropractor is a healthy way of keeping your pregnant body feeling good.

When Combining Seeing a Chiropractor and Pregnancy is Not Safe

However, there are some specific times where combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy should not happen. The first consideration is if your pregnancy is high-risk. Some high-risk pregnancies are not considered high-risk due to a medical ailment. For example, older pregnant women (beyond 35) are always considered high-risk. In those instances, your obstetrician (OB) may allow you to combine seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy. However, you need to make sure to get permission from your OB before scheduling your appointment.

Other pregnancies are considered high-risk for health problems. These pregnancies should avoid the combination of seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy. It could spark pre-term labor, and cause you to deliver your baby too early. If you are on bed rest, have bleeding, issues with your placenta, or toxemia, then you should not get chiropractic care. The goal is to help you feel better, but it cannot be done if there is any risk to you or the baby.

The simple rule is, when in doubt, find out before coming in to see a chiropractor.

Top Four Benefits of Combining Seeing a Chiropractor and Pregnancy

When it is safe to combine seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy, there are some amazing benefits that come with it. Here are the top benefits that you can get when you see a chiropractor during your pregnancy.

1 – Being in Less Pain During Your Pregnancy

One of the biggest benefits of combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy is the pain relief you can get. By keeping your body aligned, you can reduce the aches and pains that commonly rule pregnancy. Many pregnant women struggle with back pain during pregnancy. This is due to the extra weight of the baby in your abdomen. If you struggle with this type of pain, seeing a chiropractor may be the perfect answer.

2 – A Chiropractor Can Help Ease Morning Sickness

If you are one of the pregnant women who struggles with morning sickness that stems from vertebrae that are pinched or out of place, then seeing a chiropractor can ease this misery. Some women also experience relief from traditional morning sickness by combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy. Instead of feeling woozy for nine months, give it a try. There are plenty of other benefits you can still get out of your appointment.

3 – You Get a Stronger Immune System

One of the biggest benefits of combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy is that you, and your baby, get a stronger immune system. When your back is out of alignment, signals cannot travel around the body as effectively. This means that your body may not respond to illnesses appropriately. To hasten and improve this process, chiropractic care can help.

4 – Baby Gets Into a Better Position

When you combine seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy, your baby is able to sit where he or she needs to be for delivery. Breech babies, and those that are transverse, are able to flip and get into the right position before delivery more easily when their mothers get chiropractic care. This makes delivery easier, and typically quicker, for both mother and baby.

Combining Seeing a Chiropractor and Pregnancy Can Help Your Pregnancy Go More Smoothly

When the goal is to have a happy and healthy pregnancy, you may want to consider the benefits of chiropractic care. By combining seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy, you and your baby both benefit from the experience. It can help you look, feel, and move better. Just make sure you have the green-light from your OB if you are not sure whether it is safe or not. Then, seek out the right professional to help you achieve your pregnancy comfort goals.

If you want help finding the right chiropractor to help you get these benefits during your pregnancy, reach out to us here at A Family Chiropractic Clinic. All you have to do is call us (940)566-0000. We can help you find the perfect person to help you combine seeing a chiropractor and pregnancy.