What Do Chiropractic Adjustments Do?

One of the most common chiropractic practices are chiropractic adjustments. This process is sometimes called a chiropractic manipulation. The goal is to relieve your nerves of pain, while making your function better, and having a better range of your limbs and joints. There are a few ways that your chiropractor can get the results you need, and a few side effects to take into consideration

How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work?

If your vertebra has been behaving in the wrong way, your chiropractor will use their hands or a small instrument and apply pressure to relieve you of nerve pain, and alter how your vertebrae acts. Sometimes your vertebrae doesn’t work the right way at all. If you can remember a popping sound in your back followed by a rush of relief, like when you get out of bed in the morning, you’ve experienced a small adjustment to your spine. That relief is your body having everything back in order, and your vertebrae reacts normally again. It’s the same thing your chiropractor is trying to achieve.

Different Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques

There are many ways that you can receive full mobility again, one of which is the Activator Method. Under this technique, you’ll have a small device called an Activator pressed against your spinal column. Your chiropractor picks specific areas and applies pressure. This can shift around the vertebrae and return mobility and bring relief.

If your chiropractor gives you a diversified adjustment, they will be using their hands. Using a high velocity thrust, you will then hear a popping noise. This is the most common type of chiropractic manipulation and the most effective. You feel immediate relief.

The Thompson method is when you are placed on a specific table, and the sections of the table can be raised or lowered very specifically. This method is used to trick your joints, and your chiropractor applies pressure to shift your vertebrae back into place.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Chiropractic Adjustments

Many believe that chiropractic adjustments have no place for rheumatoid arthritis aid. While they are not the first option, since arthritis attacks nerves and joints, chiropractic adjustments can offer short term pain relief. While a chiropractor cannot fix arthritis with adjustments, they can help alleviate pain and discomfort.

The best benefit is regaining range of motion. Through this, you understand more about how your body is reacting to arthritis. Chiropractic adjustments can help your muscle tone and strength. When you are more aware of your body with properly aligned vertebrae, it is easier to figure out other issues.

What Are The Primary Benefits?

There are a wide number of benefits that apply to those dealing with things like high blood pressure, asthma, neck pain, and more. Look below to see some of the benefits that you can reap today.


It affects a lot of the population of America. Asthma can constrict your lungs, make it harder for you to breathe, and induce asthma attacks. An asthma attack can prove fatal. Chiropractic adjustments can improve airflow to your lungs, and help you breathe easier.

High Blood Pressure

When your spine is out of whack, so is the rest of your body. This means more pressure is being placed on your veins in key areas, and allowing less room for your blood to flow. This makes your blood pressure higher. An adjustment can help your body settle back into the way it was before, and relieve the results of high blood pressure.

Neck Pain

Neck pain hurts millions of Americans every single year. If you suffer from neck pain, an adjustment can provide instant relief in most cases.


Your sciatic nerve is very likely to be hurt due to an imbalance in your spine. This can occur from a slip or fall, but it causes you issues for a very long time. With a proper adjustment, you can feel fast relief.

Why Get a Chiropractic Adjustment?

If you’ve recently taken a fall and you’re in chronic pain, an adjustment may fix your issues. If you suffer from osteoporosis, or feel joint swelling and pain, you may be perfect for an adjustment. There are more than 100 reasons to get a chiropractic adjustment. In most cases, subluxation is to blame for pain, but how do we become that way?

Poor posture can lead to needing an adjustment. Most Americans don’t have good posture. It’s the leading reason behind spine issues. When your posture is bad, your neck hangs lowly, putting up to 30 pounds of pressure on your spine. That’s a lot. If you put 30 pounds of weight on your neck, it would feel extremely heavy. Pressure and weight act differently, so 30 pounds of pressure isn’t as easy to feel on your spine. If you’ve had poor posture your entire life, you probably don’t even realize the pressure on your spinal column that’s happening every single day.

What Are The Side Effects?

Sometimes you will feel a little bit of discomfort after a chiropractic adjustment. There is no way to know if it will be relieving or a little uncomfortable, but it should not cause you a lot of pain. The goal is to relieve your vertebrae; not make it worse. That being said, you will experience soreness or aching in your spinal joints. If you can remember what growing pains felt like as a teenager, it’s similar to that.

You may also feel tired. Your body releases toxins that are held in your spinal joints, and as they move through your body, your body fights to expel them. This can absolutely make you feel tired. Your nervous system has had a jumpstart, which is a good thing. Give it some time, and get some rest. It’s the most powerful thing in recovering from moderate side effects.

Your Next Chiropractic Adjustment

If you’re in serious need of a chiropractic adjustment, contact A Family Chiropractic Clinic at (940) 566-0000 for more information or to book an appointment. Your comfort and mobility shouldn’t be put on the back burner.