Muscles – What You Need to Know

Your muscles are a very important part of your body. They are the part of your body that provide you movement, and cover your skeleton, providing you support. If you did not have muscles, you would struggle to do anything, even sustain life. It is very important that you take good care of your muscles. They need to be treated well in order to provide the best possible outcome for your body when called upon for use. Here are a few things to know about how wonderful your muscles are, and how to properly care for them.

What Are Your Muscles Made For?

Muscles are made to help perform movement with the different elements that make up your body. They are connected to your bones by tendons, and allow you to move through constriction and expansion. The more you constrict or expand your muscle, the more the attached structures of the body move in response. The muscles of your body also help to coat the bones that make up your skeleton. With your skeleton fully encased in muscle, it allows the insides of your body to be safe. This means when you bump into a door handle, for instance, you do not immediately start bleeding internally from the impact. Muscles also make up some of the inside parts of our body that we cannot live without, such as our hearts and the vessels that carry blood around our bodies.

What Are Your Muscles Made Of?

Your muscles are made up of proteins. They are fibrous and bunched together to help protect your body with their many layers. There are three distinct types of muscle groups. There are striated muscles, which are the ones attached to your skeleton. Then you have the cardiac muscle group, which is what makes up your heart. The final muscle group is smooth. Smooth muscle groups are all involuntary, and make up structures of the body that have a job and do it without thought. This includes the trachea and the arteries. Some muscle groups are voluntary, such as the ones you consciously think to kick a ball or reach out for a glass with. Others, such as cardiac, are involuntary. If they were voluntary, you would have to make a conscious effort to make your heart beat and would never be able to sleep.

How Can You Take Good Care of Your Muscles?

There are quite a few things you can do to take good care of your muscles. Starting your day off by stretching your muscles is a great way to get your day going. This lets them know you plan to use them, and then warms them up. Another thing you can do to take good care of your muscles is to use them. They get stronger the more you use them. Keeping them strong helps to keep your body stable, and helps keep your body protected. The more you use them, the healthier each muscle group is, too.

Exercise is essential for healthy muscles. This can include simple things like going for a walk for a half-hour each day. You can also opt to increase how much you use them by doing exercises at a higher impact each day. What you want to do is switch up the groups you use each time so that your muscles get used, then get some time to rest. If you do not rest them often enough, they will become more prone to injury. Just make sure you take the time to work all of the different groups around your body. If you only work one set, it will get strong while the rest get weak.

Muscle Injuries and How to Prevent Them

With all of the different muscle groups you have around your body, injuries will happen. It may be a little muscle, like the one on the top of your foot, or a bigger muscle, like your back. No matter what muscle group hurts, it can affect your entire body. Things like back pain can ruin your ability to even go about your day normally. Something small like a strain in your forehead is much less problematic.

Any muscle that gets used too much can face injury. The less you stretch prior to using a muscle, the more prone to injury it becomes. While most people stretch things like their back or legs before exercise, many people forget the smaller muscle groups. You need to make sure you stretch from your head and neck down to your toes. This is the only surefire way of preventing most types of muscle injuries. Something as simple as a pulled muscle in your neck can make daily tasks impossible. Think about how hard driving would be without the ability to look both ways before entering an intersection.

Everything from repetitive movements to injuries, disease, and simply getting older can cause problems with your muscles. The stronger you keep your muscles through things like exercise, the less likely they are to struggle with pain. The less likely they are to succumb to an injury, as well. By taking proactive steps, you can keep many injuries from sidelining your life.

What to Do to Help Treat Injured Muscles

Physical therapy is one of the best ways to recover from any type of muscle injury. It gives your body the ability to heal, plus it gives the muscle the ability to regenerate and rebuild. Muscle problems, such as injuries, can range in how bad they are. That is why physical therapy helps so much. It has the potential to help with a wide range of injuries. It does not matter if you face a minor rip or tear, or needed full reconstructive surgery; physical therapy can help.

Your body needs you to take good care of it, from the top on down. For help keeping your body aligned and free of pain, contact us here at A Family Chiropractic Clinic. You can reach us by calling (940)566-0000. Reach out to us for help today, and we can help you repair your tendons, ligaments, or muscles.